The 2021 Consciousness Series of Paintings

Discovering Matthew Patti’s High-Performance Consciousness Podcast in December 2020 has been foundational in helping me shift into a preferred reality and fine-tune the inner workings of what brings the most joy, freedom, and harmony in my life.

One of the things I love most about Matthew’s wisdom is that he does such a great job of making challenging topics and abstract concepts accessible. He simplifies the language of quantum physics, neuroscience, and consciousness and provides everyday examples that I can relate to with ease. Matthew speaks my language. As a lightworker who believes in a greater mystery, his words and energy resonate with every cell of my being. He has helped me put into words many things that I know instinctively but have had challenges expressing.

Consciousness Series of 9 Paintings by Heather Thomas
Consciousness Series of 9 Paintings by Heather Thomas

I didn’t start out to paint a series. One day I simply woke up and began to paint using an entirely different palette; white, bone black and quinacridone nickel azo gold. 

Contemplating the residual influence after listening to many of Matthew’s podcasts, I completed the first painting and loved it so much that I thought I would do two more. 

Then the three quickly turned into a series of nine. Why 9? Nine is a mastery number, and because I don’t do anything halfway, I thought I might as well just go for it and see what would happen. (Also, nine paintings look great lined up in a 3×3 grid.)

Without intending it, this series has become more than just art. Each of these nine paintings offers a visual anchor point and a portal into the concepts covered in Matthew’s podcasts. Each piece has morphed into a gateway that invites deeper contemplation and self-realization. Using the paintings like you would a mandala or a yantra, they become a grounded focus point to help us remember and rediscover the limitlessness of the subconscious, superconscious and whatever lies beyond. 

Love and Light, Heather. 

*Every painting has a story and there are nine different blogs, one for each painting.