Consciousness Series: No.6 “Beyond Time”

“BEYOND TIME”. 20″ x20″.
Acrylic and mixed media on exhibition depth canvas (1.5″ deep)
  • Number 6 of 9. 
INFLUENCED BY: Matthew Patti’s High-Performance Consciousness PODCASTS
  • #6: “Going Beyond – Body, Environment, Time and Self (BETY).” Tak-aways: Moving beyond body, environment, and time. 5th dimension – unified dimension of NOW. Body is the time capsule… stuck in memory, stuck in the past. Retrain the body to be in alignment with the mind.
  • #32: “Understanding the 3rd and 5th Dimensions”. Takeaways: 3rd dimension is the world of things, matter and materialism. 4th dimension is the world of time. Space and time are limited = Either/or. 5th dimension is now. We observe the past AND the future through memories, which is not present time. The present time is now- the energy, feeling, emotion of this moment’s experience. Love where you are right now. Have gratitude for what is now because it has shown up based on energetic and emotive output.
"Beyond Time". 20"x20". 2021

“Beyond Time” began with several globs of paint on the canvas and a brush before I quickly put that down and picked up a 4” print maker’s roller. I created this painting almost entirely using that roller, a pizza cutter, and a lid from a paint container as a stencil.

This painting is a mix of whites, greys, black, and the rusty orange of the nickel azo gold. It has a horizontal feeling augmented by several contrasting curved lines in black and rust that originate from the upper left corner and move centrally towards the bottom middle. There are three white circular outlines made using the lid of a container.



“Beyond Time.” As I squished the paint in rows back and forth across the canvas, blending the lines, creating texture, and mixing tones, I kept thinking about the passage of time, the millennia before this time, and the millennia to come. An image came to mind of prehistoric cave paintings, handprints on rocks and scratches etched into stone telling stories of conquests, events, and celebrations of peoples’ pasts.

If time has no bearing on how things come to pass, then why are we so attached to the concept of time? What would it be like if time was irrelevant and had no bearing at all? What if we could supersede time like powerful yogis, slowing it down or speeding it up? If you could put yourself in the place of an ancient redwood tree, or better yet, the boulder it grows beside – what wisdom would you have to share? How does time affect your perspective and how you live your life?


Love and Light, Heather. 

*The Consciousness Series is comprised of 9 paintings, click below to see them all.