Consciousness Series: No.4 “Quantum Highway”

“QUANTUM HIGHWAY”. 20″ x20″.
Acrylic and mixed media on exhibition depth canvas (1.5″ deep)
  • Number 3 of 9. 
INFLUENCED BY: Matthew Patti’s High-Performance Consciousness PODCASTS
  • #30: “Quantum Highway.” Takeaways: Distraction results in a diffused focus, lack of clarity and decreased momentum. Be the fire hose, not the sprinkler. Imagine that a quantum highway uses GPS or google maps; you need to program the specific address you want to get to rather than simply the neighbourhood or city. Specific focus. One thing, not three – so stop trying to get it all done at the same time.
"Quantum Highway". 20"x20". 2021

Using the three colours and a brush, I painted the first few layers of this piece in slow arcs mixing the paint right on the canvas. You can see some of these layers in the background, under the highway and the waterfall drips. It seems that this darker, veiled area within the painting is almost like a truth we can sense but can’t quite see.

The orange in this painting again signifies the dream or desire and how if we follow the wide path, we are led via the quantum highway (or firehose) to manifest our desire, the lighter orange raining down. One could interpret the large black marks as signs of affirmation along the way or possible obstacles that we need to pass to get to the place of realizing the dream. The grey and white drips coming from above play a dual role, one of the million distractions that take us from our main path and a sign that other forms of abundance and invitation will continue to appear as we travel along the highway.



“Quantum Highway.” Most of my adult life has been a steady stream of concurrent multiple projects or activities. It is refreshing to withdraw, focus on what matters, and commit to a singular path without wavering. Last Spring, when I realized that my healing practice wasn’t serving me as well as it used to, I knew I needed to follow my advice, drop what wasn’t working and make a choice to focus on what brought the most joy.

This painting invites you to consider what brings you joy. What makes you feel light and expansive? Is there a way that you can get more of that into your life? This piece also asks you to consider how distracted you are in your focus. Are you a sprinkler, rhythmically watering indiscriminately drip by drip, or like a firehose that has so much power it gets things done in one go?


Love and Light, Heather. 

*The Consciousness Series is comprised of 9 paintings, click below to see them all.