Consciousness Series: No.2 “The Matrix”

“THE MATRIX”. 20″ x20″.
Acrylic and mixed media on exhibition depth canvas (1.5″ deep)
  • Number 2 of 9. It is debatable whether this was the 2nd painting or the 3rd because I worked on both simultaneously. I simply happened to post this one online before the other.
INFLUENCED BY: Matthew Patti’s High-Performance Consciousness PODCASTS
  • #27: “Staging your Success.” Takeaways: Your energy precedes you. Taking action towards your ideal is crucial, and trusting physical sensations when a surprise or opportunity comes across your path. TRUST that continuous steps forward will lead to the preferred reality. 
  • #25: “Bending Reality 2”. Takeaways: Bending reality. Transcending the linear model. Space-time vs time-space. We are going beyond what we know from our past. Re-writing history and letting go of old beliefs that do not serve our highest purpose. 
  • “Matrix” The Movie: There is more to what we see; there is a more excellent mystery behind the veil. 
"The Matrix". 20"x20". 2021

Riding on a high from the first painting, this one happened rather quickly as well. Taking the three colours and playing with them separately, I was able to combine them in a way that kept each colour’s integrity unique while still bringing them all together into an inviting pattern.  This painting draws the eye into its burnt orange centre, then back out again to follow black, white, and grey lines in a geometrically influenced circle. 


“The Matrix.” This painting has a feeling of push and pull to it that reminds me of how our dreams, desires, and life choices sometimes seem to collide and break apart, only to be drawn back together again in the end. Each of us is on a unique path that only we can walk, which is why my path will look nothing like yours. Our choices may seem as if they are of our own free will. However, in reality, everything has been predetermined and pre-contracted before incarnation. If we choose the left fork, it may simply take us longer to get to where we are going than if we choose the right one. I have made many such detours in my own life, and when all is said and done, I don’t regret any of them because they have brought me to where I am today.

Titling this painting “The Matrix” is reminiscent of the movie with the same name featuring Keanu Reeves. It speaks of the strength required to trust a system that we are unfamiliar with, that is unknown. If we choose to believe, the system is in control of everything. It speaks to surrender. The way this painting draws the eye to its orange centre of desire indicates more to life than just what we see on the outside. 
This piece asks you to let go of the surface, dive deeper into the matrix of life, beingness and source, and remember what it is that REALLY lights your fire so that you can follow those dreams and live your soul’s true purpose. So, what is your dream? What is your soul’s true purpose, and are you ready to surrender control so it can manifest?

Love and Light, Heather. 

*The Consciousness Series is comprised of 9 paintings, click below to see them all.