Consciousness Series: No.3 “Levelling Up”

“LEVELLING UP”. 20″ x20″.
Acrylic and mixed media on exhibition depth canvas (1.5″ deep)
  • Number 3 of 9. Like #2, it is debatable whether this was the 2nd painting or the 3rd one.
INFLUENCED BY: Matthew Patti’s High-Performance Consciousness PODCASTS
  • #27: “Staging your Success.” Takeaways: Your energy precedes you. Taking action towards your ideal is crucial, and trusting the physical sensations when a surprise or opportunity comes across your path. TRUST that continuous steps forward will lead to the preferred reality. 
  • #17: “Four Realms of Consciousness.” Take-aways: Moving from 3rd to 5th dimensions. The Patti Pyramid. 1. Life happens to me. Living in hope. 2. Life happens for me. No control. What I give comes back. 3. Life happens by me. Trusting self. State of being influences results. 4. Life happens through me. Time is irrelevant. Trust in the dynamic nature of the field. 
"Levelling Up". 20"x20". 2021

This painting started with a black background on top of the texture medium. I wanted to start this one differently and begin with a base colour instead of my usual white. It took more time than usual to complete, so while I started it before “The Matrix,” this painting was completed afterwards.

I began with a sponge towel and rubbing technique, which gave way to the paintbrush and my favourite tools – a debit card and a pizza cutter. In the complete project, you can see the purplish-black background peeking through a layer of mixed tan and brown paint that has been disrupted and almost but not entirely removed by curved 3” wide swaths that begin at the bottom and work their way back and forth up the height of the canvas. The swaths end partially curled downwards halfway through the last pass right at the top of the canvas. Several white curved lines of paint added in a similar pattern to the larger swaths provided greater visual interest and depth.



“Levelling Up.” An interesting visual interpretation of what it feels like to break through a mental-emotional barrier or ceiling, and step up to the next level of being, then the next and the next. Without milestones or celebrations over time, we often forget where we have come from, what kind of life we lived, and what we used to believe. We can use words like enlightenment, increasing awareness, or “woke.” Either way, they are all the same. Either way, we are all levelling up moment by moment, day by day.

This painting invites you to ponder where you have been, where you are now and where you want to be next. This piece asks for reflection, observation, and visualization. What are your successes? How many times have you said no to others so you could say yes to yourself? What learnings and silver linings have come from perceived failures? Where have you made a shift so uncovered a new understanding, and what are you doing now to ensure your dreams come true? How are you levelling up?

Love and Light, Heather. 

*The Consciousness Series is comprised of 9 paintings, click below to see them all.