Ongoing Evolution

The opportunity to see further and feel more profoundly than what we learned growing up has been placed before us.

What we see every day, what happens in our lives, and the experiences we have are direct results of our mindset, the way we think, feel, and act. Only by choosing to explore beneath the surface, we begin to understand that our current reality is temporary and can quickly shift into something new, something more desirable. All it takes is a willingness to explore the belief systems that are holding us back, to consider that our dreams have come to us for a reason and to embrace the knowledge that anything is possible.

The way I see myself, the world, and my place in it has been evolving ever since I can remember. I have spent the last sixteen years consciously unlearning old patterns and readjusting personal truths. Gradually, I have mined the depths of what works and what doesn’t, explored new concepts and beliefs, and invited a far broader perspective than I once used to have. While I continue to embrace this profoundly personal work, shed skins that are no longer necessary and shift into new understandings, it is only natural that my work as an artist and mentor continues to change as well.

Love and Light, Heather. 

*this photo is a selfie I took after an incredible evening in meditation with friends near Canmore, AB